There are three typical types of odes: the Pindaric, Horatian, and Irregular. The name comes from the Greek aeidein, meaning to sing or chant, and belongs to the long and varied tradition of lyric poetry. ‘Tyger, Tyger’ is yet another popular poem by the all time popular lyric poem, William Blake.The ode-originally accompanied by music and dance, and later reserved by the Romantic poets to convey their strongest sentiments-is a formal address to an event, a person, or a thing not present. ‘I cannot live without you’ is a popular lyric poem by Emily Dickinson. Share your lyric poem with your friends or mentors and keep yourself open to feedback.Make sure you decide on whether you want to write an ode, elegy or a sonnet and then pack your words in the correct format.Choose a topic you think is close to your heart and personal feelings are likely to flow with your pen.This will give you a basic idea of how emotions are transformed into words. Before writing a lyric poetry, you need to go though the lyric poems written by famous English poets such as those by Percy Bysshe Shelley, Alfred Lord Tennyson and Emily Dickinson.Just follow the simple step below and create your personalized version of lyric. So why not sum up your thoughts in the empyrean of lyric poetry? No matter if you are a true poet or a naive you naturally have feelings which sometimes need limited words for expression. Odes are divided into stanzas with no strict rhyming rules. Ode is usually meant to be sung with a chorus in a happy mood. Originated by the Greece, the poetry still retains its traditional form. Ode is a form of lyric poetry which expresses thoughts about a particular persona, object or an occasion. In the first part, the poet mourns the death of the loved one in the second part, the departed soul is praised and admired and in the final part, words of condolence are expressed. ElegyĮlegy is usually associated with the feelings of loss and grief which the death of an esteemed one brings. Such formatting not only engages the reader’s soul and opens his mind to a completely new paradigm. In the first part, the poet raises a thought provoking question and in the second part gives an answer to it. Sonnet is strictly based on two parts, divided in fourteen lines.

Later, Shakespeare adopted and modified it and made it a fixed poetic element which we still follow today. Originally, sonnet was a part of Italian poetry.

You can find comprehensive material on poetry in our Poetry Section. Interestingly, lyric poetry has been divided into elegy, sonnet and ode. It is concise and delivers a subjective and emotional message from the poet to the reader adroitly. Lyric poem is distinguished from narrative and dramatic forms of poetry.